Diamond Smugglers (2001 - 2013)

Steve McCarthy, Hunter Darby, Davy Jones, David Mider, John Ratliff, Julie Lowery, Kevin McCarthy, James Stevens, Jacob Schulze

Photo by Rafael Rodriguez


The Astronaut Suit (2006 - 2013)


Jess Farr
Josh Hathaway
Greta Goo
Todd Pertll

Stephen Kirkham
Britton Beisenherz

Marcus Piña
Matt Pineda
Russ McMichael
Steven Collins

Map of Hawaii (2006 - 2007)

Ike Machamer, Jimmy Bradshaw, Sarah Baugh


Sexy Finger Champs (2005 - 2007)

Chepo Peña, Kerri Atwood, Snoopy Melvin, Rebekah Whitehurst


The After School Special (2004 - 2005)

Chris Huber, Garry Franklin, Alex Mesa


Sundays at the Gingerman (2003 - 2004)

with Hilary York and Rice Moorehead

​Photo by Slaytoven


The Jenn & Ernie Show (2003 - 2004)

Sunday nights at Mother Egan's Irish Pub with Jennifer Ellen Cook

​Photo by Rafael Rodriguez


Sock Puppet (2002 - 2004)

Greta Goo, Beau Been, Nic Whitworth, Bryan Spainhower, Sean Macy, Tony Velasco, Jess Farr

Photo by Beth Been​


The Accusers (2001 - 2002)

Britton Beisenherz, Jess Farr, John Scully, Todd Pertll, Nic Whitworth, Roberto Sanchez

Photo by Beth Been​


The Ernie & Walter Show (2000 - 2001)

Sunday Night Song Swap with Walter Tragert

​Photo by Samantha Deskins

U, Me, and a DJ (1998 -2000)

John (Cheese) Williams, DJ Hide Kawada

Photo by Jess Farr​